Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Correction: Painful Proof of Love

II Sam. 12
"Whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth betimes." I never really noticed the bit that says "And the Lord sent Nathan unto David." Nathan didn't just get it into his head that he needed to tell David off. Never should I assume that correction comes only from the whim of an authority. God has a hand in my life, and often uses authority to correct. This is a great comfort, that God cares enough about my being out of fellowship with Him to send another Christian to confront me. Now if only I responded as well and as quickly as David did.
My prayer is that I would learn to value holiness above looking good. My pride leads me to respond badly to criticism and to authority. I must trust God's goodness enough to know that chastening is proof of His love.

The Cover-Up

David makes the quick, coldhearted decision that Uriah should be killed in battle. He joins ranks with that practical, calculating man, Joab, who is willing to do his dirty work for him.
There will always be a "way out" of our sin's consequences, but using it leads to worse consequences. "He that covers his sin shall not prosper, but whoso confesseth and forsaketh shall find mercy." (rough paraphrase)
But, it is so much easier to at least forestall painful consequences. Who wants to voluntarily humiliate himself and confess his wickedness or stupidity? Yes, what David did was horrible, killing an innocent man to cover his sin, but haven't we all covered things up before? It is human nature...we see it in the Garden when Adam and Eve hide from God.
Sin shames us, loads us with guilt that is so burdensome it is easier to deny it. Thank God He seeks us out in our hiding...as He did Adam and Eve and as He does David.