Monday, May 08, 2006

Two Essential Qualifications for Leadership

II Sam. 5
After Abner's assassination and Ishbosheth's death, all of Israel acknowledges David's right to the throne. He is worthy of the throne both by merit ("thou wast he that leddest out and broughtest in Israel") and by appointment ("and the Lord said unto thee, Thou shalt feed my people Israel.") In this sense David is a picture of the Messiah.
Christ is worthy to be King over all the earth through appointment. God has "put all things under his feet." He is also worthy by merit. He proved His love for mankind by His sacrifice on the cross.
The perfect leader is both appointed by God and acts in a way worthy to the appointment. We all have God-given areas of leadership, even if it's just influencing a friend. We need grace to act in a way worthy of the leadership. Christ (and David as a shadow of Christ) is our perfect example of leadership...ordained of God (not taking something upon Himself without God's blessing), and sacrificially concerned about the welfare of His flock.
The "appointment" area is where it may be tempting for wives to overstep bounds. If we take it upon ourselves to be the spiritual leaders, decision makers, or head of the home, we cannot be good leaders (even if we honestly have better leadership qualities). We can only lead in the areas God has appointed us.
The "merit" area is where it may be tempting for husbands to be lacking. Knowing they are chosen of God to lead, they may be tempted to use that appointment to be high-handed or selfish.
We must be sure, in an area of leadership, that we are appointed to it by God, and that we strive, by God's grace, to merit the appointment.


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